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Target audience:

Those who are required to provide an emergency first aid response in a workplace. Those who work around live elctrical panels and motors.


 Must have completed the perform rescue from a live LV panel and CPR course within the last 12 months.

Award issued:

Students who successfully complete this nationally recognised training will be awarded the statement of attainment for: 

  • UETTDRRF06B Perform rescue from a live LV panel
  • HLTAID001 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation


Are there physical requirements for this course ?

It is important to note that there are physical standards which relate to the level of performance required when undertaking accredited training. The HLTAID competency standards require a level of physical ability to provide resuscitation and respond to an emergency situation where there may be risk to life. One requirement of the training package is that you are to be assessed as physically capable of performing uninterrupted CPR for at least 2 minutes on an adult CPR manikin placed on the floor. There can be no exceptions to these Australian Government requirements that are clearly written into the Training Package. Therefore, students who are unable to satisfy the physical requirements of the course cannot be deemed competent or issued with a statement of attainment, even if the qualification is a necessary part of their employment conditions.


You will be assessed on questions based on the course knowledge requirements, such as:

State/Territory regulations, first aid codes of practice and workplace procedures:

ARC Guidelines relevant to the provision of CPR

Safe work practices to minimise risks and potential hazards

Infection control principles and procedures, including use of standard precautions

Requirements for currency of skill and knowledge

Legal, workplace and community considerations:

Awareness of potential need for stress-management techniques and available support following an emergency situation

Duty of care requirements and respectful behaviour towards a casualty

Own skill, limitations, consent, privacy and confidentiality requirements

Importance of debriefing

Considerations when providing CPR:

Airway obstruction due to body position

Appropriate duration and cessation of CPR

Appropriate use of an AED including chain of survival

Standard precautions

Basic anatomy and physiology:

Considerations in provision of first aid for specified conditions


How to recognise a person is not breathing normally


Upper airway and effect of positional change

Emergency procedures for the rescue of a victim from a live LV panel encompassing:

Inspection of rescue equipment

Assessing hazards to rescuer, victim and others

Isolation procedures where appropriate

Knowledge of Safe Approach Distances (SAD s) appropriate to rescue from a live LV panel

Involvement of external emergency services

Emergency procedures for the skills required for the rescue of a victim from a live LV panel encompassing:

Placement of rescue equipment

Controlling hazards to rescuer, victim and others

Maintaining Safe Approach Distances (SAD s) appropriate to rescue from a live LV panel

Practical demonstration of rescuing a person

Removing victim to safe location / place of safety

ASSESSMENT – PRACTICAL - Physical demonstrations (skills)

The simulated assessment environments will reflect the real-life working environment where these skills and knowledge would be performed, with all the relevant equipment and resources of that working environment.  Skills must be demonstrated by the student working individually in an environment that provides realistic in-depth, industry-validated scenarios and simulations to assess students’ skills and knowledge. It’s important that students have knowledge of the content of this course. The assessable practical skills are listed below.

You will be assessed on responding to first aid scenario and task demonstrations for:

Adult CPR: Performing at least 2 minutes of uninterrupted single rescuer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) (5 cycles of both compressions and ventilations) on an adult resuscitation manikin placed on the floor; including the demonstration of a rotation of operators with minimal interruptions to compressions

Infant CPR: Responded to a first aid scenario and performed at least 2 minutes of uninterrupted single rescuer CPR (5 cycles both compressions and ventilations) on an infant resuscitation manikin placed on a firm surface

Defibrillation: Followed the prompts of an automated external defibrillator (AED)


Manage infection control requirements

Responding appropriately in the event of regurgitation or vomiting

Demonstrating safe manual handling techniques

Managing the unconscious breathing casualty

Providing a verbal report of the incident

Inspection and placement of rescue equipment

LV panel scenario and task demonstrations:

Inspection and placement of rescue equipment

Identification and labelling of the isolation point

Perform a rescue from a LV panel in accordance with workplace procedures

Conduct work observing the relevant anti-discrimination legislation, regulations, policies and workplace procedures

Implement occupational health and safety workplace procedures and practices including the use of risk control measures

Important information regarding course durations:

Course durations, as mentioned above, are reflective of group sizes of between 4 and 15 participants. If there are less students in a group, you may find course duration reduced by a maximum of 10%. If a class size exceeds 15 participants it may therefore also be necessary to increase course duration depending on the number of participants.

Students who successfully complete this nationally recognised training will be awarded the statement of attainment for: 

  • UETTDRRF06B Perform rescue from a live LV panel
  • HLTAID001 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation


$75.00 (SAVE 50% NORMALLY $150) 

Individuals go to course dates to see when our next course is!!

Groups fill out form below (Minimum 5 students For On-Site Training)

Mode of Delivery  4 hours face to face training

 Delivered at your workplace

What you will Receive  Statements of Attainment 
Previous knowledge No previous knowledge or background is required


 Payment Terms can be found at 

The LVR and CPR program is necessary if you are overseeing live work or working with live switchboards. This course covers the application of rescue procedures from live Low Voltage (LV) panels but does not include underground cables, and overhead lines in the work area.

Our course covers the mandatory requirements of rescue from a live LV panel, and how this applies to the context of transmission, distribution, or rail work functions. It includes responsibilities for the following, safety, health, and risk management processes at all operative levels, and adherence to the safety practices.

Course Content:

  • Inspection of rescue equipment and its placement
  • Properly assess the risks associated with the rescuer, victims, and others
  • Assess and control hazards from a live low voltage panel
  • Knowing the isolation procedures
  • Completing the rescue procedure including the application of CPR
  • Removing the victim to a safe place/location

Units Being Delivered

The following units will be awarded to successful participants in this course. The certificate is issued by i-Tag Training.

  • HLTAID001 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation UETTDRRF06 Perform a rescue from a Live LV Panel

Delivery Method

This course will be conducted at the i-Tag Training facility, in your work location, or at a third-party facility.

Physical Requirements

The HLTAID competency standards require the capacity to physically perform two (2) minutes of uninterrupted CPR on an adult CPR mannequin placed on the floor. Participants need to be able to respond to emergencies where there may be risks to life and be able to provide resuscitation.

If students are unable to pass the physical requirements of this course, they cannot be considered as a competent person or be issued with a statement of attainment.


Participants who will take this course will be expected to undergo both theoretical and practical assessment tasks. 

#1 Theory Assessments

You will take a multiple-choice questionnaire and you will be assessed on the following:

State and Territory guidelines, first aid codes of practice and workplace procedures:

  • ARC’s Guidelines for the provision of CPR
  • Practices to minimize risk and potential hazards, and have a safe workplace
  • Procedures and principles of infection control, and use of standard precautions
  • Requirements for the currency of knowledge and skills

Legal, workplace, and community considerations:

  • Recognition of the potential need for stress-management approach and available support for an emergency
  • The function of care requirements and respectful behavior towards a casualty
  • Own skill, consent, limitations, and confidentiality requirements
  • Significance of debriefing

Considerations when performing CPR:

  • Airway obstruction due to body position
  • Suitable cessation and duration of CPR
  • Appropriate use of an AED and the chain of survival
  • Standard precautionary measures

Basic physiology and anatomy:

  • Considerations in the provision of first aid for specified conditions
  • Chest
  • How to determine if a person is not breathing normally
  • Consciousness and response
  • Upper airway and effect of positional change

#2 Practical Assessments

The assessor will be observed in the following practical scenarios and performance tasks:

Adult CPR: Provide uninterrupted single rescuer cardiopulmonary resuscitation for at least two minutes. There will be an adult resuscitation mannequin on the floor and you will also demonstrate the rotation of operators with minimal interruptions to compressions.

Infant CPR: Respond to a first aid scenario and perform uninterrupted since rescuer CPR for at least two minutes on an infant resuscitation mannequin placed on a firm surface.

Defibrillation: Followed the prompts of an automated external defibrillator


  • Manage infection control requirements
  • Responding appropriately in the event of vomiting and regurgitation
  • Showing safe manual handling techniques
  • Controlling the person with an unconscious breathing
  • Verbal reporting of the incident


LV panel scenario and task demonstrations:

  • Inspecting and placing of rescue equipment
  • Identifying and labeling the isolation point
  • Performing a rescue for a live LV panel 
  • Working in observance of the relevant anti-discrimination regulation, legislation, policies, and workplace procedures
  • Implementing occupational health, and safety practices, and procedures in the workplace



$99 for each student. 

With only minimum of 5 students for On-Site training

Mode of Delivery

Mixed Mode Delivery

Un-supervised Online Pre-Course Study and

4 hours face to face training


Delivered at your workplace or at

6A 938 South RD, Edwardstown, SA 5039

What you will receive  Certificate of Attainment
Previous knowledge No previous knowledge or background is required


To Book a Course for your workplace simply fill out this form

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i-Tag is Australia's number one choice for nationally recognised first-aid training courses and test and tag nationally recognised courses. we are committed to making do it yourself workplace safety simple and cost effective. we have industry experts providing mobile epilepsy training we bring with us all the state of the art equipment and quality resources and provide the training in your workplace.  industry recognised within Australia.


Allens Training in conjunction with management of C&K have developed this specific non-accredited training course – ‘Manage Epilepsy in the Workplace’.

This course has been designed in support of C&K policies and procedures specifically for C&K staff prior to the commencement/enrolment of a child whom has been diagnosed with epilepsy.

As per C&K Quick Reference Guide SO:08.06 – Epilepsy and Seizures: “Ensure all educators complete epilepsy training. If administering Midazolam is part of the child’s medical management plan, training must incorporate how and when Midazolam is administered. A child cannot commence until training has been completed.”

The main topics covered in this session include:

Epilepsy Overview:

- C&K Specific Policies and Procedures

- About Epilepsy

- Seizure Types

- Triggers, Risks and Safety

First Aid and Emergencies for Epilepsy and Seizures:

- Following Policies and Procedures

- Debriefing, Reporting and Notifying

Medication and Drugs:

- Medications available

- Following C&K Policies and Procedures

- Staff responsibilities

Specific C&K Policies and Procedures:

- Quick Reference Guide SO:01.08.04 – Administering First Aid

- Procedure SO:01.08 – Administration of Medication

- Quick Reference Guide SO:08.06 – Epilepsy and Seizures

This session has been designed to assist C&K staff with the preparation for a new child to be enrolled and commence at their centre that has been diagnosed with epilepsy.

On completion you will receive a certificate of attendance:


$300 for up to 10 employees $30 for each student there after

Duration  3-4 Hours Face-to-Face On-SIte Training

 Your Workplace

What you will Receive  Certificate of Attendance
Previous knowledge No previous knowledge or background is required


We provide a dedicated three-hour course for testing a three-phase appliance. This course is for people who need to test 415V, three-phase appliances to AS/NZS 3760.

This course is for those who want to have a career and have a specialization in testing and tagging. 


Testing 3 phase appliances are more of specialization compared to testing single phase appliances.


Before taking this course, the completion of a nationally recognised Test and Tag course is required. We will also need your certificate of completion.

What you can learn

This course will provide you with the following knowledge and skills:

  • Basic knowledge of 3 phase
  • How to conduct 3 phase testing and tagging safely
  • The difference of 3 phase testing and single-phase testing
  • Knowing the right tools and adapters used in making the test’s cost-efficient
  • Testing methods for different appliances and scenarios

If you are planning to have a career in Testing & Tagging, this 3 Phase Testing course provides the specialization and more opportunity to charge higher for testing.

Delivery Method

This course takes 3 hours to finish and is conducted face-to-face.


In assessing your performance in this course there will be open-book theory questions, made-up discussions, and practical tasks.

Employment Pathways

This course is appropriate for those pursuing the test and tag business, and people who are pursuing a career as an assistant in maintenance, enterprise, and trade.



$180.00 +GST


1.5 Hours face-to-face eith pre-course study


6A/938 South Rd Edwardstown 5039

What you will Receive 

Certificate of Attendance

Previous knowledge

Completion of a Nationally recognised Test and Tag course


 Who We Are

i-Tag is a leading organization that offers registered training for Test & Tag throughout Australia, We also offer additional training in Three Phase, and Plug Replacement. We also commit in teaching first aid and fire safety courses to our customers.

We believe that in order to achieve your goals, you need to start by studying and learning, and we are here to support you all they way.

We Support You All The Way !!

*Conditions and licensing required in QLD

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